TILBLIVELSEN (the Genesis)

@Galleri Grundstof, Aarhus, DK, 2018.

Read interview here

Excerpt from the catalogue, written by Trine Rytter Andersen:

"...The texts are difficult to read and the beholders must work for it – discipline themselves – to get in contact with the texts, hear their ‘news’ and understand their ambition to open a passage for a genesis in the mass of the work itself – and in the beholder..."

Read the text in full here

As part of the exhibition I created three handmade books called En tilsynekomst, En metamorfose & En tilintetgørelse (An Appearance, A Metamorphosis & An Annihilation)

Each book contains a unique visual principle using the 29 images and 29 sentences that were part of the artworks on the walls.

Self-published, unique books, one copy of each, 2018.

Using Format