Articles, interviews and reviews

Newspaper Herning Folkeblad, December 2023. Interview about outdoor educational project Hvem bor her? - in Danish

Podcast "Ekstremt online", June 2023. Interview about my book minder_om_naturen and artificial intelligence - in Danish

National newspaper Berlingske, March 2023. Interview about the use of AI in art and literature;  - in Danish

Radio station "Den Uafhængige", November 25, 2022. Interview about solo show Bacon af hvalp

Local newspaper Aarhus Onsdag, November 2022. Interview about solo show Bacon af hvalp - in Danish

Danish newspaper Midtjyllands Avis, December 2019. Interview about solo show The Square Root of Nature - in Danish

Interview by art historian Trine Rytter Andersen about solo exhibition TILBLIVELSEN (The Genesis), 2018 - Danish / English

Art magazine Magasinet Kunst, April 2018. Interview about solo exhibition TILBLIVELSEN in Danish

Danish newspaper Midtjyllands Avis, March 2017. Interview about - an exhibition with writer Gerd Laugesen - in Danish

KATALOG - Journal of Photography and Video, Issue 27.2, 2015. Feature article., 2015. Interview relating to solo exhibition In the Presence of Absence in Danish

Art magazine Kunstavisen, 2015. Review of solo exhibition In the Presence of Absence at XBunker, Sønderborg - in Danish

Art magazine Magasinet Kunst, May 2015. Article about Please Destroy This Exhibition - in Danish

Art magazine Magasinet Kunst, January 2015. Interview about my exhibition Fibonacci + 1 in Berlin - in Danish

Danish newspaper Midtjyllands Avis, October 2014. Interview about educational project - in Danish

Art magazine Magasinet Kunst, June 2014. Interview about Draw | Align exhibition - in Danish

Culture magazine Cope Quarterly, September 2014. Article about Galerie Pi and me.

Art magazine Kunstavisen, 2014. Review of group show at SAK, Svendborg.

Kopenhagen Art Institute recommended my exhibition AASYN at Galerie Pi, 2011: "Images of the human form have always been captivating, especially when it’s distorted, fragmented or interpreted in alternative ways. I’m intrigued by the highly relational aesthetic of Kirsten Schausers paintings and the hyperreal quality of Jacob Juhl's photographic works" (Anja Lindholm, MA in Modern Culture)

Catalogue texts

Exhibition text for Imagine a Tree, Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, Finland, 2024 - in English

Catalogue text for The Square Root of Nature, 2020 by Anette Vandsøe, Associate Professor at Aarhus University - Danish / English

Text by Trine Rytter Andersen relating to solo exhibition TILBLIVELSEN (The Genesis), 2018 - Danish / English

Catalogue text for solo exhibition In the Presence of Absence by Finn Thrane, founder and former director of The Museum of Photo Art in Odense, 2016 - in Danish

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