One and Ten Chairs, 2019-2028

Ten IKEA chairs will be installed in the sculpture park at KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad over the course of ten years, one chair per year. The first chair is one year older than the second chair, which is one year older than the third chair, and so on. The work references Joseph Kosuth's iconic work "One and Three Chairs" and asks the same questions as Kosuth: what is a physical object? How does an object relate to its value, cultural connotations, linguistic meanings, etc.? But my work also has a more material and temporal dimension: When does a particular object cease to be precisely that object? When does a tree stop being a tree? When it is chopped down? When it is made into a chair? And when does a chair stop being a chair? When you can't sit on it? When half of it has turned into soil? Can a chair turn into a tree again?

One and Ten Chairs, 2022

Newly installed chair, 2024


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